
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Central Virginia Organic Gardener

I recently came across another great local blog which I'd like to share. It's called Central Virginia Organic Gardener and is written by Judy Thomas. Judy calls herself "a domestic goddess, obsessed gardener and teacher."

I love her blog. It's fun and informative AND Judy does her best to keep everything organic and eco-friendly.

Check out her recent post on straw-bale gardening. This is something I had never heard of before but something that I definitely want to try.

Also, take a listen to her podcasts.

Thanks for dropping over to say "Hi", Judy. And thanks for joining in the conversations here on the Metro DC Lawn and Garden Blog.


  1. I read Judy all the time. She's articulate and seasonal. She admits when her projects don't work and explains how she's worked out the reasons.
    Thanks for the shout-out!

  2. Judy knows so much about gardening…it has to be in her genetic makeup!


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