
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Great news for your plants – water restrictions have been lifted

Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) has lifted their Mandatory Water Use Restrictions, effective immediately. WSSC serves customers in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

Customers can use water outdoors to help their plants through this heat.

However, just because the restrictions have been lifted, don't forget to utilize all the new water saving techniques you have learned over the last few days.

You can continue to use graywater from rinsing dishes and vegetables. During the heat of the day watering your plants with a watering can rather than a hose or irrigation system will deliver water directly to the roots and eliminate some evaporation. The evening is the best time for a more thorough watering to help avoid water being evaporated before the water reaches the plant.

To learn more tips for becoming a water-wise gardener, download this pdf file.

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