
Monday, July 5, 2010

Visiting Sonia's garden

Last week I asked for readers to share their garden blogs with us. I just took a delightful trip through Sonia Zamborsky's garden by visiting this post that she shared from her blog. 

Although Sonia's blog isn't just about gardening, I learned a lot about Sonia and her gardens through her blog. I definitely learned enough about her to help confirm Dr. Richard Ryan's theory that "gardeners are nicer people".

Here are a few excerpts from Sonia's blog: 

In fact, this year I've decided to participate in the Grow a Row program, where the Capital Area Food Bank pairs gardeners with food banks and other nonprofits that feed the hungry.

And I particulary enjoyed this paragraph: 

At the end of the day, no matter how many veggies get eaten in our kitchen or donated to charity, I still enjoy this pursuit. There's something zen about digging in the dirt and communing with earthworms. (They sure don't talk back or complain that your project is behind schedule or ask where your updated budget figures are!) It's a connection to my mom and grandmother, who taught me to appreciate the magic of popping a seed in some dirt and coming back to find a living plant. OK, it's not as much fun as spending a month in Italy, but if we're gonna be stuck at the homestead it's not a bad way to pass the time.

Click here to read more of Sonia's gardening posts. 

Thanks, Sonia, for inviting the Metro DC Lawn and Garden Blog readers into your garden!

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