
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Help show the world – Green Gardeners DO Make a Difference

photocon Metro DC is often earning accolades for everything from green buildings, green roofs, green energy and even green college campuses.  But we, of the Metro DC Lawn and Garden Blog,  think it’s time to recognize the individuals who are doing their part to help protect the planet from their own homes and yards – the area’s “green” gardeners.

Beginning  May 25th, 2012, the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog is launching the Green Gardeners Make a Difference Photo Contest for residents of the Metro DC area.

Participants can take a photo of a “green”, eco-friendly aspect of their home landscape, and enter it online. Judges will advance all qualified entrants into a final round, where website visitors get to vote for their favorites. Winners of the contest will win one of two great prize packages.

If you want to join in the fun (and help show the world that Green Gardeners DO Make a Difference), take a photo of your home landscape depicting as many of the following eco-friendly gardening practices as you can, in one photo:

  • Eco-friendly plant choices (ie: Right plant/right place, waterwise plants, native plant species)
  • Water conservation techniques – ( Rain gardens, rain barrels, mulch to retain water, drip irrigation, etc.)
  • Reduction of stormwater runoff – (rain gardens, rain barrels, downspout redirection, permeable surfaces)
  • Elimination of chemicals – (hand weeding, beneficial insects, compost)
  • Creation of wildlife habitat – (such as butterfly garden, berry laden plants, etc.)
  • Reduction or replacement of lawn areas

Write a short description explaining which of the six eco-friendly practices your photo represents. Keep in mind that some things can represent more than one principle.

Enter your photo and you’ll be on your way to a chance at winning some great garden goodies!

Only one photo per person is allowed, so make sure you read the full rules before uploading your image.

Good luck!

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