
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Meadow Ecology Tour at Bristoe Station Battlefield Park

What: Meadow Ecology Tour

When: Saturday, May 26th, 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Where: Bristoe Station Battlefield Park, Iron Brigade Avenue and 10th Alabama Way, Bristow, Virginia

Bristoe Station Battlefield is home to a complex meadow ecosystem.  Join naturalist Charles Smith from the Prince William Wildflower Society (VNPS) for a walking tour of the 133-acre battlefield and learn about the beneficial wildlife especially the birds and butterflies that call this ecosystem home.  Learn to identify the plants that these birds and butterflies need for food and shelter.  Bring binoculars.  Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather.  No pets please.  Advance reservation recommended. 

The walking tour departs from the Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park kiosk in the parking lot located at Iron Brigade Unit Ave and 10th Alabama Way at 9:00 am and will end at 11:00am.  The cost for the tour is $5 per person, free for children under six.

Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park includes 133 acres of fields and woodlands.  The Park interprets two Civil War battles and its natural resources.  Prince William County Historic Preservation owns and operates the Park.

For more information, please call (703) 366-3049 or email

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