
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Contest rules clarified – deadline extended until June 17th

We want to thank Jan D. for pointing out that we had a few inconsistencies in our Green Gardeners Make a Difference Photo Contest rules. We have made some modifications so that the contest now lists all of the cities, counties and jurisdictions that are allowed to enter. We have also added a few extra days to the contest deadline, in order to allow a little more time to anyone who was confused by our contradictory contest conditions.

Gardeners and photo-bugs now have until midnight on June 17th to submit their entries for the contest, depicting one or more of the following green gardening practices:

  • Eco-friendly plant choices (ie: Right plant/right place, waterwise plants, native plant species)
  • Water conservation techniques – ( Rain gardens, rain barrels, mulch to retain water, drip irrigation, etc.)
  • Reduction of stormwater runoff – (rain gardens, rain barrels, downspout redirection, permeable surfaces)
  • Elimination of chemicals – (hand weeding, beneficial insects, compost)
  • Creation of wildlife habitat – (such as butterfly garden, berry laden plants, etc.)
  • Reduction or replacement of lawn areas
  • And don’t forget to include a brief description of WHY the photographed aspect of your yard is eco-friendly.

    Since Father’s Day is June 17th, this gives you a great excuse to spend some time with Dad in the garden. Just remember that if you include Dad in the photo, you have to get him to sign a model release!

    P.S. I saw some really cute pictures of Bo Obama in the White House garden today, so if Michelle decides to enter one of those photos in the contest, then the competition might be pretty fierce! Otherwise, it’s going to be a close competition when the voting begins on June 25th.

    Bo Obama busy supervising the White House garden

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