
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Green Gardener Photo Contest - It's Time to Vote!

Is a picture worth 1000 words? Help us pick a winner
Here at the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog, we are always trying to spread the word about the many benefits of Green, eco-friendly gardening.
We’ve had some great photos entered into our Green Gardeners Make a Difference photo contest and now we would like your help in picking our winners.
There are 18 photos, of 18 yards, which have been advanced into the voting round of the contest. All of the photos meet the requirements of the contest, which were to show at least one of these eco-friendly principles:
  • Eco-friendly plant choices (ie: Right plant/right place, waterwise plants, native plant species)
  •  Water conservation techniques – ( Rain gardens, rain barrels, mulch to retain water, drip irrigation, etc.)
  •  Reduction of stormwater runoff – (rain gardens, rain barrels, downspout redirection, permeable surfaces)
  •  Elimination of chemicals – (hand weeding, beneficial insects, compost)
  •  Creation of wildlife habitat – (such as butterfly garden, berry laden plants, etc.)
  •  Reduction or replacement of lawn areas

If the eco-friendly principle doesn’t seem obvious in the photo, please be assured that the entrants did list the principles when they submitted their photos. We know all of the great benefits that these properties provide and we are thrilled that these gardeners have decided to share their “green” efforts with our readers.
We hope that you will help us encourage more Green Gardeners by adding your comments to the photos, sharing them with your friends and voting on your favorites.
Click on a photo Title to read more information, to add a comment, or to share it. There is a button to share the photos on Facebook, but you can also add the link to Twitter or to your Pinterest Board to help get more votes.
Remember, you only get ONE vote per day, through July 13th, so be sure to ask all of your family and friends to add their votes!
I love them all, but I’m not allowed to vote!!

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