
Friday, June 8, 2012

Want the secret to happiness? Share the Wonder

Aristotle: “In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.”

frogs1 My husband and I have a WONDER-full habit that adds a lot of pleasure to our lives. We seek out “wonders of nature” on our property and point them out to each other.

The “wonders”  don’t have to be much: A miniature rose bud covered with dew, a caterpillar getting ready to go to chrysalis, a mother bird feeding its young.

Sometimes we share a smell – something sweet and blooming drifting on the air. Or a sound – northern Parulas high up in the trees are some of our favorites. Depending on the time of day, we share sunrises and sunsets, “first stars”, and full moons.

Sharing the wonders of nature together has become a very special part of our relationship. It has made us more aware of our surroundings...more tuned in to the sights, sounds, smells and tactile sensations of the world around us.

Looking for these wonders has become a playful challenge.  It clears all of the other unnecessary crud from our thoughts and lets us just seek out ways to share joy with each other. No matter what else might have happened during our days, the shared “wonder” always seems to bring us back together.

And whenever one of us is feeling neglected or alone, all we have to do is say those three little magic words:

“Wonder of Nature! Wonder of Nature”

Those words are sure to make us push away from the computers, put down our cell phones, turn off our televisions and look, instead, at the things that matter the most in our lives – the fantastic wonders of nature all around us and the people that love us enough to want to share them with us.

June 9th is National Get Outdoors Day. It was created to “encourage healthy, outdoor fun”. It’s also a really wonderful opportunity to appreciate the Wonders of Nature with those you love. And a good reminder to appreciate the wonders OF those you love.

Whatever you do this weekend, I encourage you to spend some time appreciating the wonders.

Click here to find National Get Outdoors Day Activities in Your Area.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Betsy, suddenly i am so sad i am not in a relationship... I am glad you and your husband are happy though, stick to each other no matter what, it sound like you are a WONDER-ful couple ;)


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