
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why Green Gardeners DO Make a Difference

We are enjoying all of the "buzz" that we have generated with our Green Gardeners Make a Difference photo contest.

Each of the 18 entrants that have made it into the voting round show one or more environmentally friendly principle that help to illustrate why Green Gardeners DO make a difference.

Some of the green elements are obvious, either by the caption, the description or the photo itself. Some of the elements aren't quite as obvious but they all still make a tremendous difference to the environmental health of the DC area.

Remember, you can vote once each day for your favorite photo.

And just as a reminder, here are some of the ways that green gardeners DO make a difference.

Generate a buzz - by attracting hummingbirds
Reduce storm water runoff – which can pollute local waterways
Enhance soil naturally - use organic fertilizers and soil additivesBar
Encourage beneficial insects – to reduce the need for pesticides
ix the noxious products– by using eco-friendly optionsarde

ning in DC

Get their soil tested. - to avoid unneeded fertilizer
Avoid indiscriminate pesticide use - by choosing eco-friendly options
Raise their mower blades to 3 inches- to have  healthier lawns
Don't sweep clippings or fertilizer into storm drains- they pollute waterways
Eliminate weeds by hand pulling, hoeing and spot treating
Nurture local wildlife - provide food, shelter and safe conditions for local wildlife
Educate their neighbors - by sharing what they have learned
Re-cycle grass clippings – to the yard provides natural nutrients
Save the rain by installing rain barrels - rain barrels conserve water and prevent runoff

Mulch - to retain moisture while adding nutrients
A void overwatering - it's a waste of money and bad for the environment
Take a closer look at their landscape  - to  work with mother nature
Take out the trash - and create compost with it 
Enjoy the birds and bees - and other beneficial critters
Reduce lawn areas - to save water and other resources

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