
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mandatory water restrictions lifted

Laurel, MD July 26, 2010: General Manager Jerry N. Johnson has announced the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is lifting the Mandatory Water Use Restrictions, effective immediately.

WSSC’s Potomac Water Filtration Plant on River Road lost electrical power Sunday afternoon when a storm moved through the region. PEPCO restored power to the plant about 5:00 a.m. today. The plant returned to full production late this morning and storage capacity throughout the system has been replenished to an acceptable level.

“We appreciate the patience of our customers, many of whom are dealing with a loss of power and storm damage,” said General Manager Johnson. “Maintaining an adequate supply of water pressure to fight fires and handle other emergencies is a critical responsibility for WSSC and we needed to take immediate action to ensure those needs could be met.”

The Potomac Plant provides about 70 percent of the water for all WSSC customers.  The Commission’s Patuxent Water Filtration Plant in Laurel never lost power and remained fully functional.

WSSC worked closely with PEPCO through the night as the utility restored power to the Potomac Plant. “I thank PEPCO for their swift repair efforts which allowed WSSC to quickly resume our mission,” said Johnson.

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