
Monday, July 26, 2010

Mandatory water restrictions still in place

Laurel, MD July 26, 2010 – Mandatory Water Use Restrictions remain in place for all customers, both residential and commercial while the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission’s (WSSC) distribution system continues to replenish.

The storm that passed through the region on Sunday caused the Potomac Water Filtration Plant on River Road to lose electrical power. PEPCO restored power to the plant about 5:00 a.m. today. The plant is now at full production, however until the storage capacity throughout the system returns to normal, the mandatory water restrictions remain in place. It is imperative that WSSC maintain an adequate supply of water pressure to fight fires and right now the system is not at full capacity.

WSSC is constantly monitoring the distribution system and will continue to provide updates.

The Potomac Plant provides about 70 percent of the water for all WSSC customers. The Commission’s Patuxent Water Filtration Plant in Laurel never lost power and remained fully functional.

WSSC serves approximately 1.8 million residents of Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

Water reduction steps include:

Stop all outside water use – no watering lawns, no washing cars, no topping off swimming pools

Use water only as necessary Limit flushing toilets (do not flush after every use)

Limit using washing machines and dishwashers (wash full loads only)

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