Tuesday, June 21, 2011, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
repeated on Wednesday June 22, 2011, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
(Thursday June 23, 2011 by demand)
Research Greenhouse Conference Room, University of Maryland
Delicious vegetarian lunch provided
You have three opportunities to attend this one-day gardening
intensive workshop led by Executive Director and Botanist, Dr.
Christopher Puttock. Dr. Puttock has extensive experience designing,
installing, and maintaining native gardens both in Maryland and abroad.
He will be assisted by Ann Wing, head of seed propagation section, and
native landscaper Rochelle Bartolomei of Small Planet Projects.
Using his usual breakout workshop format, Dr. Puttock and his team
will help you to maximize the potential of native plants by propagation
from cuttings, division, and seed.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Anyone who designs or maintains public or private native gardens, and wants to reduce long-term costs.
BRING: To gain the most from the breakout sessions, participants
should think about what native plants they would like to propagate. At
the end of the day you should leave feeling confident enough to do the
job. Chesapeake Natives will supply tools, some of our seeds, perennials
to be divided, and plants to be cut. Be prepared to get your hands
dirty. As a bonus, you will get to bring home the fruits of your labor.
Session 1: Making new plants from cuttings. We will begin with a
brief introduction to the dos and don'ts of hard and soft stem
propagation and what you will need to do this at home or in your
greenhouse. Then you will be guided in the process with native plant
Session 2: Making new plants by division. After a brief discussion
regarding plant materials in your own yard that you would like to
divide, you will get to practice on our collection of native plants. A
range of plant materials for division will be provided, guaranteeing the participants experience with handling everything from
the very delicate plants to the very tough plants.
Session 3: Making new plants from seed. You will learn the process of
germination, and why it is NOT as easy as just adding water.
PARTICIPANTS: Maximum 30 participants each day.
COST: $50 (covers food, parking, potting, and printed materials).
REGISTRATION : To register email Tracey Gelner at