Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Right Plant, Right Place

The most environmentally sound practice that you can use when selecting plants is to select plants that are compatible with your site. In other words, drought tolerant plants should be used in dry, exposed areas while plants adapted to wet soils should be planted in low spots or areas of low drainage. Light, humidity and soil type also need to be considered. Plants should be grouped according to their water, fertilizer and maintenance needs for ease of care. This will help prevent overwatering as well as over fertilization, which can harm local water supplies.

Proper placement of plants can reduce heating and cooling costs by providing shade or wind barriers.

If your goal is to provide for wildlife, select plants with berries, fruit, and nectar as well as plants that provide areas for shelter and raising young.

Native plants are an environmentally sound choice for many reasons, including ease of care and providing food sources for native wildlife. Since the goal of eco-friendly gardening is to help preserve the beauty of the local environment, we encourage the use of some native plants in your landscape. However, as with any plant, the proper location is important for its survival. Just because a plant is native to the area does not mean it will thrive if placed in the wrong location in your yard.

For more information about plants for the Metro DC area:
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