Saturday, February 19, 2011

Gardeners' Sustainable Living Project

The Gardeners' Sustainable Living Project was created by Jan Huston Doble on her beautiful garden blog Thanks for Today as a way for gardeners to share ways that they are actively practicing a greener lifestyle and contributing to protecting our environment.

If you are a gardener, garden blogger, garden writer, or garden merchandiser, Jan invites you to join in and share what you do to help, rather than hinder, nature.

"Just because we are gardeners doesn't mean we're operating 'sustainably'," Jan says. "Let's find ways to garden by taking into account our impact on the environment and whether that has a positive effect on our health and that of Mother Earth."

In Mid March Jan will encourage gardeners to write blog posts and leave comments regarding their sustainability efforts at home and in the garden. She asks you to tell what YOU do, or plan to change, about the way you live and garden.

According to Jan, "you do NOT need to be 'green' to join in--just interested and aware of our environment and willing to look at what you can do to contribute positively and eliminate or reduce unnecessary actions."

For more information about how you can participate, read Jan's post on the Sustainable Living Project.

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