Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Earth Week! Stamp out eco-apathy with the new Go Green Stamps

Once you start making eco-friendly changes in your life, its hard to not want to share your new found wisdom with others. Perhaps you are saving money, energy and water in your eco-friendly garden or enjoying the delicious bounty of home-grown organic produce.

It's easy to share what you learn with others. Ask your friends to subscribe to the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog or Like our Facebook fan page to learn the basics of green gardening and to keep informed of upcoming green events.

But now you can share your green tips with people even if you DON'T know their email address.

By using the new Go Green stamps from the United States Postal Service, you can send green tips along when mailing letters, notes, greeting cards, bills...even your taxes.

Have you seen a beautiful landscape in your neighborhood that you would like to compliment? Write down their address and send them an anonymous note, telling them you appreciate their efforts to Go Green.

Do you have a neighbor that is using too many chemicals or has invasive plants? Send them a photo of your beautiful eco-friendly landscape or print out one of your favorite posts from the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog and drop it in the mail.

Whatever you decide to send, add one of the Go Green stamps to help pass along some of these great green tips:

Plant trees
- Besides producing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide and contaminants from the air, trees and other plants provide a habitat for birds and other wildlife.

Compost - leaves you rake, the grass you mow, and the branches you trim are some of the ingredients you can use to make compost.

Buy Local Produce - Find locally grown organic produce or grow your own.
To order your Go Green stamps online, click here. And remember, These Forever stamps are always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one-ounce rate.

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