I was sitting peacefully, curled up on my sofa last night when the interruption about “breaking news” came on TV. The president was getting ready to make an announcement that affected National Security. My heart beat and stress levels immediately rose.
For over an hour, I watched and waited as the newsmen and women speculated about what the announcement would be. I looked over at my husband, quietly dozing in his recliner, and wondered if our lives and world were about to change.
When President Obama finally appeared and made his brief announcement, I cried. I wasn’t entirely sure whether they were tears of relief, pride or sorrow. I think they were a combination of all three.
My emotions were still a bit raw this morning and I knew the best place for me was in my garden. My garden has always been a great place for me to get in touch with my emotions. And so early this morning, that is where I went.
After raising the flag on the flagpole that we installed in our yard soon after September, 11, 2001, I took time to be with my emotions.
This is what I felt:
Gratitude: for the many blessings, I have in my life. Health, happiness, friends and family to love.
Admiration: for the people that have helped, and continue to help, protect those blessings.
Respect: for my country.
Dedication: to my beliefs and to my own actions, both large and small, to help make our world a better place.
Emotional: certainly no explanation needed.
Necessary: We all play a role in the future of our country and the future of our planet. We vote, we fight, we love, we heal, we nurture. The only action that doesn’t have a result is inaction.
As I stood and watched the flag waving in the breeze over our property, I saw an American bald eagle soaring, way, way, high overhead. His white head and tail were difficult to see, but I knew that was what he was.
And I knew it was time to go inside. I have work to do, people to call, letters to write. And I feel more inspired than ever to help do my part.
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