Here are my suggestions for how gardeners can Make A Difference on October 22nd and everyday!
Make a Difference to Others:
- Feed the needy – If you have extra produce, fruit or other edibles in your garden, donate your surplus to a local food pantry.
- Take flowers to hospitals or senior centers - My brother-in-law's lovely mother, Jeannie Poulos, used to grow roses which she generously shared with neighbors, friends and anyone in need of a little extra beauty. If you have flowers to share, take them to a local hospital or nursing home to share with someone in need of a smile
- Teach someone to garden – Give a man some food, feed him for a day. Teach a man to garden, feed him for a lifetime. Consider becoming a Master Gardener so that you can teach people to garden.
- Offer to rake leaves for an elderly neighbor – add the beautiful bounty to your compost pile.
- Plant a garden to add beauty to the lives of others - Shawna Coronado planted this beautiful garden to share joy with others.
- Share cuttings, seeds and starter plants with friends and fellow gardeners. Northern Virginia Plant Exchange
- Test your knowledge - take our Eco-Friendly Landscaping quiz.
- Eliminate chemicals from your landscape - eco-friendly options for weed control
- Create a raised bed garden - Water, fertilizer, compost, mulch, etc. can be applied more carefully
- Plan and implement a Waterwise landscape - overwatering your landscape is a waste of money and bad for the environment
- Garden for Wildlife - learn to provide the four basic needs of all wildlife: food, water, shelter and places to raise their young.
- Remove invasive species - invasive species can destroy an area's natural biodiversity
- Plant a tree in memory of a loved one - Your Gift of Trees is actually three gifts - one to someone you care for, one to future generations, and one to the environment.
- Choose an eco-friendly lawn care company - if you don't do your own gardening, pick a landscape company that is eco-friendly.
- Gardening helps you burn calories, it gets you outside in the fresh air and sunshine, and is also good for the soul!
What a wonderful list of contributions one can make for the greater good! Thank you for sharing this.