That date, of course, changed all of us. I still can't bring myself to say that I think war is the answer to anything, but I do understand the necessity of it now. And I do have a whole new level of respect, appreciation and admiration for the men and women who serve to protect our country, as well as the families who love them.
One very positive change that has occurred in our country since my childhood is the respect that we show our military. When soldiers returned from Vietnam, they were sometimes met with icy stares, verbal abuse and even spit upon. Now, it is not unusual to see members of the military receiving applause or pats on the back as they walk through a crowded airport. I know that I always feel a tremendous rush of feelings when I see a man or woman in uniform. It's a combination of respect and admiration mixed with a gut-wrenching awareness of how I would feel if that was my son or daughter, brother or friend.
Whether it is Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, or no special day at all, here are some suggested ways to Thank a Vet:
1) Say thank you - If you know a veteran, or the family of a veteran, give them a call or send an email and tell them that you appreciate what they have done, or are doing, for our country.
2) Listen- If they want to talk about their service, let them. I don't care if you have heard your father's or grandfather's war stories before. Ask them to tell you about them again. And listen this time!
3) Send some love - Even if you don't know any veterans, personally, it is still easy to express your thanks. Get out your phone book and find the closet VA hospital or nursing home and send a big, patriotic bouquet of flowers or a colorful collection of cookies. Add a note explaining that they are for the resident veterans, with your heartfelt thanks for their service.
4) Attend a parade - If there is a parade close by, go to it. Take your kids, buy them some flags to wave, and really hoot and holler at the members of the military, young and old, who are marching in the parade.
5) Visit a Veterans Day Services to pay your respects - In you can't find a parade, there are plenty of memorials that you can visit to pay your respects.
6) Fly a flag - Flying the American Flag is a great way to show pride and respect for our country. If you don't have a flagpole, you can purchase small brackets that easily fit on the front of your home or your mailbox.
7) Give time or money to veteran's groups - It's a tough year for everyone and you may not be able to afford to make cash donations to as many charities as you would like. But many groups will benefit from your time as much as they would from your cash donations. One of our favorite organizations is Home for Our Troops (HFOT), a non-profit organization that builds specially adapted homes for severely injured veterans. HFOT is currently looking for volunteers to work on several projects in Maryland and Virginia.
8 ) Plant a tree in memory of a veteran - Planting a tree is always a great way to honor someone and will give you a permanent place to return to year after year to spend time and appreciate your freedom.
By the way, if you are wondering what the dedication and sacrifices of our veterans has to do with a gardening blog, the answer is "everything".
Gardeners might enjoy reading: A Hero and His Habitat : 20 Days in the Garden
Thanks for writing this, I am a vet of the first Gulf War. We were quite concerned with how we would be received when we returned home. Would we be treated in the same despicable manor that our brothers in arms from Vietnam were treated? Fortunately not, I am quite pleased with the positive change of direction in the way service men and women are greeted upon returning home from service and in general. We still have a long way to go in the long term treatment of returning vets, but we are slowly headed in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteFor me it is still awkward to have someone thank me for my service, but I do appreciate it even if it is difficult for me to find the correct response even after all of these years. So if you thank a vet and it is not the response you were expecting know that they, more than likely appreciate the sentiment but are flooded with emotion that could be difficult to deal with.
Please remember to help take care of our wounded brothers and sisters and the families of our fallen.
Greg, thank you so much for the sincere comment. My brother-in-law is a Marine who served in Viet Nam. He is one of the most honorable men I know, and has much to do with my respect for the military. Back in the 70's, many of us were just radical for no real reason. We were anti-establishment, which meant anti-military and anti-police. I'm not sure there is as much of that now as there was back then. I know that, over the years, I have gained a much stronger respect for my country and for the men and women who protect it.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I think that all the initiatives for veterans should be far more than simply respected. And yes, I will never get tired of saying many thanks to these people, cuz they deserve it more than anyone in the world. Thanks for the sincerity and for being not indifferent!