Take this morning, for example. There are so many birds on my feeders and butterflies on my flowers that I almost thought about pulling down the blinds and turning on the radio so that I wouldn't be distracted by the wonderful sights and sounds. Hah! Not likely.
But then I thought of something much more fun. I'll start my own Wildlife Wednesdays. Every Wednesday I will post a photo of whatever wildlife I see in my yard that day, and encourage other bloggers and gardeners around the internet to join me.
I know this isn't an original idea. I got the idea for Wildlife Wednesday from fellow garden blogger, Carol and her blog May Dreams Garden. Way back in February of 2007, Carol decided to start keeping track of what was blooming in her garden from year to year by posting photos of flowers on the 15th of each month. It was kind of interesting that she decided to start her Garden Bloggers Bloom Day in the middle of the winter, but that didn't stop fellow gardeners from stopping by and adding their lists.
Since then, the popularity of Garden Bloggers Bloom Day has grown! To participate, garden bloggers post photos of what is blooming in their yard that day and then list their blogs on the list on the May Dreams Garden blog. This past week, on July 15th, 2010, 136 people listed their blogs on her site. And anyone who wants to wander through the flowers in other gardener's landscapes can just click on the links listed on the post.
So with credit to Carol, I would like to officially launch Wildlife Wednesdays. Here's how it works.
- Every Wednesday, I encourage all bloggers to wander through their gardens and take a photo of whatever critter is visiting at the time. Birds, butterflies, hummingbirds, snakes, deer - think of this as the Noah's Ark of the Internet. Every critter is welcome.
- Next, create a post on your own blog, including a little bit about where and when you saw the critter. Include photos, of course!
- Now, visit the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog Wildlife Wednesday post and add your name and url on the Mr. Linky widget. Then leave a comment to tell us what wonderful wildlife you saw so we can pay you a virtual visit!
If you don't HAVE any wildlife in your landscape, then your gardens might need a little eco-tweaking. Environmentally friendly landscapes that incorporate native plants and eliminate chemicals just naturally attract more birds and butterflies and other little critters. So keep visiting the Metro DC Lawn and Garden blog and we'll help you create an environmentally friendly landscape that rolls out the welcome mat for wildlife!
Have fun! I can't wait to share your wildlife wonders with the world!
How fun!
ReplyDeleteThough the image was not taken today, Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are busy at my window feeder today!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post on the Certified Wildlife Habitat Facebook page. Hope the initiative takes off! We've been posting "Wildlife Wednesday" images since March (see album at http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=154371&id=296922719690). It's a lovely way to celebrate gardens and the animals they support.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Noticed the above link doesn't work as ")" got incorporated into the URL. Here it is anew (happy viewing!): http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=154371&id=296922719690
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos Kelly! Maybe someone from the NWF would like to guest post one day and tell our readers about the importance of sustainable gardening practices when creating wildlife habitat!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful idea! I'll have to remember what day it is and start posting! One of the most popular series of articles on my blog is about planning your backyard wildlife habitat and the photos and artwork I've done that's inspired by it–and my backyard is only 75' x 125'! Here's the article: http://portraitsofanimals.wordpress.com/your-backyard-wildlife-habitat/ See you next week!
ReplyDeleteHow timely – yesterday (I'm cheating a bit because it wasn't Wednesday) this "kitty" http://www.pbase.com/ternvomitthief/image/126865558 was in the field at my house.